Category: Health Insurance
Low-Impact Exercises For Healthy Living
Posted: September 25, 2020
The benefits of exercise are well-known to most people. It can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease, help you manage blood sugar, improve your cognitive function, and elevate your mood and mental state. But high impact exercise can have a negative impact on your joints. Many adults today are choosing low impact exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. What Exactly Is...
The Importance Of Stretching Before Exercise
Posted: September 10, 2020
For decades, we have been told about the importance of stretching before exercise. But how many people really understand why it is so important? In a nutshell, stretching serves as a critical link for the body between a sedentary state and physical activity. What Makes Stretching So Important? If you want to be truly fit, it is not enough to build muscle and get aerobic...
Am I Getting Enough Sleep?
Posted: August 22, 2020
The quantity and quality of your sleep play an important role in overall health. We all know what a difference a good night’s sleep can make in energy level and outlook toward life. How do you know when you’re getting enough good quality sleep? You know when you feel well-rested and refreshed. What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep? If you are like most...
Does Health Insurance Cover Mental Health Treatment?
Posted: August 10, 2020
As reported on, mental health and substance abuse services are covered as essential benefits under all Marketplace plans. These plans are required to provide “parity” protections between medical and surgical benefits and mental health and substance abuse benefits. What this means, generally, is that the limits cannot be more restrictive for one than the other. This parity applies to: Financial limits, such as copayments,...
Foods That Seem Healthy But Aren’t
Posted: July 25, 2020
Advertising can be misleading. Many foods on the shelves today bear labels designed to make them appear to be a good choice for a healthy diet. These labels may contain words such as, “non-GMO, gluten-free, fat-free, all-natural, low-fat, or sugar-free.” Although the labeling may be accurate, that does not necessarily mean the food is genuinely good for you. The following are some foods many people...